Scary and Exciting... Pregnancy is like going to Disneyland... 1-3 months - Eating slowed down, Vomiting picked up, Did not crave meat. Aches and Pains were fixed with voltaren or anika oil. 3-7 months - Aches and Pains - Back Aches. No voltaren but did use anika oil. 7-9 months - More Aches and Pains - No voltaren or anika but a teaspoon of panado. Full kicks and movements. You will feel your baby's bones rubbing against your body. You will feel the scratches and kicks. Hospital stress and worries build up. Fixes and Pregnancy Pain Relief... - Eat and drink as much as you can. Vegetables and Fish. - Massaging creams like voltaren and anika are a must during the first 3 months. A good massage is the key. - Usage of lots of pillows towards the 8 and 9 months. Pillows between the legs and pillows supporting the back. - The exciting part is knowing that you have to get clothes packed while your body goes through a phase of mixed emotions. AB>